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Equipment Available for Check-Out: Home

A quick guide to various pieces of equipment available for check-out.


M. P. Baker provides laptops for current students on an "as available" basis.

All equipment is due by the last day of the semester.


Equipment Renew Policy

  • You must renew the device(s) by the due date.
  • You will be fined $5 per day per device for each day overdue until your fine reaches the cost of the device(s):
    • Laptop - $1,300
    • Chromebook - $400
  • If you have not contacted the library on or before your due date about renewing, you will forfeit your equipment borrowing privileges.

Equipment Use Reminders

  • If you withdraw from classes, you must return the device(s) before completing the withdrawal process.
  • Not following the guidelines that you agreed to on the request form will result in you forfeiting the ability to renew or check-out device(s) in the future.
  • If you are having issues with any device, email and

Digital Cameras

Cable and Accessories


Librarian - Electronic Resources

Profile Photo
Martha López Coleman
She/Her/ Dr
1109 W. Panola St
Carthage, TX