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ENGLISH 1301 - Wylie: Argumentative Essay

This guide serves as a place for resources, assignments, support and guidance for all the research assignments you complete in English 1301 with Mrs. Wylie

Argumentative Essay Assignment Requirements and Information

Ebooks available through the M.P. Baker Card Catalog

Panola Databases with pro/con features

Brainstorm Keywords to help get you STARTED


Brainstorming keywords is an important part of the research process. As you begin to look at your search results take note of any new keywords that are relevant and incorporate those into your next search. 

Think about using BROADER terms to get more results, and NARROWER terms to retrieve fewer results. 

Possible keywords to get you started are listed below. 

  • pro/con
  • viewpoint*                       
  • controversy*
  • argument*
  • editorial*
  • perspective*

If you were researching gun laws for example, you might search (Gun Laws AND Gun Crime Rates*)

Persuasive Essay

         TIPS  on Structuring your Persuasive/Argumentative Essay (Click the photo)

Persuasive flowchart

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