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History 1301 - E. Smith: Cite your sources

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Chicago Citation Examples

Basic Information:

Author Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Publication City: Publication Company, Year.


Sample, Joe. Awesome Book. Carthage: Panola Books Inc., 2012.

Basic Information:

Author First name Last name, Book title (Publisher city: Publisher, year), page number.


Steven Nadler, A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011), 8.


1. Bill Offer, "Lecture on Gettysburg," History 1301: US History 1 (class lecture, Panola College, Carthage, TX, January 24, 2024).

Bibliography (Works Cited page)

Offer, Bill.  "Lecture on Gettysburg." HIstory 1301: US History.  Class lecture at Panola College, Carthage, TX, January 24, 2024.

Basic Information:

Interviewee first name Last name, interview by Interviewer name. City, State initials, Month day, year of interview. 


Richard Davidson, interview by author. Madison, WI, April 20, 2012.

Basic format:

Author Last Name, First Name. Year. "Article Title." Journal Title Volume, Issue: page numbers. doi url (if one is available)


Good, Cassandra. 2022. “Defining the Family of Washington: Meaning, Blood,

and Power in the New American Nation.” Journal of Social History 55 (4): 899–924. doi:10.1093/jsh/shab067.

Basic Information:

Author First name Last name, “Article title,” Journal title volume number (year): page number. 


Raúl Sánchez, “Outside the Text: Retheorizing Empiricism and Identity,” 

College English 74 (2012): 243.

Basic Information:

Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Web Page.” Name of Website. Publishing organization, publication or revision date if available. Access date if no other date is available. URL .


M. P. Baker Library. (2023, August 30). "Chicago (Turabian)," Citation Guides. Panola

College.  Accessed August 31,2023. 

Basic Format:

Video Creator. Year uploaded. "Video Title" Date video was uploaded. YouTube Video, video length, video url.


Biography. 2023. "George Washington: American Revolutionary|Full Documentary|Biography"

July 2, 2023. YouTube Video, 46:21.

Mr. Odom's How-To Video for Chicago Style



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Chicago Citation Assistance

For this assignment, you will need to use the Chicago Style Manual to create your in-text parenthetical documentation and your bibliography at the end of your paper. This Manual is available for use upstairs in the reference section of the library.

There are basically two types of Chicago style citations. One is the author-date style and the other is the documentary-note (humanities) style. For this assignment, you are to use the documentary-note (humanities) type.

The first link below gives the best example of how this type appears in your paper. Citation guides are available on the M.P. Baker Library website. We suggest using NoodleTools Express.


Plagiarism: From the Latin plagiarius, meaning "kidnapper." Copying or closely imitating the work of another writer, composer, etc., without permission and with the intention of passing the results off as original work. In publishing, copyright law makes literary theft a criminal offense. At most colleges and universities, plagiarism is considered a moral and ethical issue, and instructors impose penalties on students who engage in it. Plagiarism can be avoided by expressing a thought, idea, or concept in one's own words. When it is necessary to paraphrase closely, the source should be documented with a parenthetical citation and listed in the references at the end of the paper. 

M.P. Baker Library
