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Assignment Information

Any assignments your teacher would like shared will be copied here! Part 2 - Intervention Design

How to know you are providing the BEST intervention for your client.  Please be sure to discuss this process with your FWE before implementation...  Congratulations on finishing Part 1; you know your patient now you are ready now to begin Part 2.  

The reason OT is considered a skilled service is that a skilled practitioner understands and implements skilled interventions that help to improve function and occupational engagement.  

So let's dig into Treatment Planning. TREATMENT PLAN / ACTIVITY PLAN  Using this form will help guide your decision-making when you start at the top and work your way down.  

Top section: Step 1 Occupational Profile/Evaluation: Who is my patient, and what are the goals of intervention? Considering "who" the person is and what they want to be able to do?  Who are they, and what are their needs,  first, look at the occupational performance problem areas and the goals.

Next up: Step 2 Clinical Reasoning - Evidence-Based Practice -REMEMBER to FIND the EVIDENCE and THEN  decide on the activity/occupation based on evidence and Model / Frame of Reference. (When I hear, "I'm looking for an article that supports my activity, I already picked,"... I shudder!)    What do you know, what do you need to know... if you need more understanding of the what or how.  Do RESEARCH to find scholarly articles that explain more about the problem or primary diagnosis...  Foundations that focus on a condition (ex - are good sources.  The next step is to find a peer-reviewed, full-text, scholarly article or textbook section that supports intervention selection.  Search keywords associated with your client's primary problem and goal (autism and sensory processing).  The process then is to choose one that seems to meet your client's needs best.  Based on your research findings, it is easy to identify and justify the best FOR.  "Ah... to help my client dress, they have to have the strength and activity tolerance for the task, and based on the information I found in my EBP search, this would best be addressed through the Biomechanical FOR".  See how that works.  Follow the instructions COMPLETELY in this section -  providing a summary of how the article guided your tx session, APA citation, AND also submit a FULL-TEXT article!!! 

Final step: Step 3 - Intervention  OK... now you are ready to plan your session - Based on your understanding of all things above - You are now ready to plan your session.  You have to consider the environment and resources you have available when planning.  Keep the goal(s) in mind with the planning process.  You can have an excellent tx idea, but if you don't know how to implement it and what outcome you are trying to achieve based on evidence, you are just implementing a great activity... Always think of the OTPF here reviewing - Types of Intervention.  We always strive for Client-centered, Goal-Directed,  Occupation Based interventions.  Write out the steps to the session you are planning thoroughly!  AND share your plan with your FWE to be sure it is approved.

Remember the importance of having what you need - Good planning includes having everything you need!   This includes being prepared when it doesn't actually go the way you planned.  Yep... you have to plan for ADAPTATIONS to keep the "just right challenge" going throughout the session to ensure you have a backup for what "might" happen.   ADAPT (upgrade, downgrade, modify) is what makes our services skilled...   List out a few things you can do to support the client's best ability to function and then make sure you have any equipment available that you might need to upgrade or downgrade as needed).

You should now have a document that is complete.  This is the process you should use for ALL OT sessions!  Really, it does get faster and easier, but at first, you will spend hours in this process... Keep in mind, this is WHY  your knowledge and skilled clinical reasoning skills make you a practitioner.  It is about knowing WHY you chose what you did.  It maximizes therapeutic benefits in each session.  I know if my family member were receiving OT services from you, I would expect that you would do this process so I could trust the BEST was being provided for my loved one.  Remember - YOU ARE SOMEONE'S HOPE in the darkness and with that privilege comes great responsibility. 


M.P. Baker Library

How do I use this LibGuide?

LibGuides serve as a cheatsheet for finding resources.  This Libguide is a curated list of sources that pertain to your OTA course and then narrows on Workplace Skills for the OTA student assignment. 

There are three tabs at the top of the LibGuide:

Home- You are currently on the Home tab where you will find assignment information, who to contact for help in this course as well as how to contact your Library for all research.

Gather your sources- Sometimes digging into the Library Catalog, Electronic Resources, or the Internet can be overwhelming.  Under the Gathering your Resources tab, your Librarian and Instructor have collaborated to pull the best Library sources and websites for your subject area.  These are not an exhaustive list, and there are certainly other sources out there that can help you, but these are a narrowed list that can help you with this particular course.  Basically, we weed out extraneous information and give you only what you might need to be an efficient and effective researcher.

APA-As with all responsible researching, there is the responsibility of giving credit to the authors of the sources you used in your endeavor of finding information to complete your coursework.  This tab will guide you through how to properly cite the sources you find.  As always, your Librarian can guide you through this step in person, through email, phone, zoom, or chat.  Just reach out!


Who to Contact for Help

If you need help understanding your Instructor's assignment, please contact:

Julie Green-Professor/Chair, OTA



The M.P. Baker Library is here to help you find information to be successful on your assignments. Click the "Ask PC" box in the top right of this libguide to connect with a librarian who can help you find information and answer research questions.  You may also contact us in any of the following ways:


Or stop in anytime!  


Questions for scholary research

  • Usually written by professors, researchers, or experts in the field
  • Written for other scholars and professionals
  • Have a bibliography or list of references
  • Use technical language of the specialized field
  • Is peer-reviewed

You can easily find scholarly sources in the M.P. Baker Library Databases.

A database is like a digital file cabinet that can be locked to allow only certain people access. It is well organized to allow people to locate information quickly by using sophisticated search and browsing tools. Plus, the information is high-quality – it has been selected by professionals and reviewed for accuracy. Many databases also provide access to cool perks like generated citations!

The Internet is like a digital bulletin board that is open to anyone and everyone to post or review. The digital bulletin board is extremely disorganized because it does not have an efficient, standard organizational system. Additionally, the information has not been selected for quality or reviewed for accuracy; in fact, anyone can post whatever they like. You also have to deal with hassles like annoying advertisements. 

Journals are published by professional organizations. The information in journals is often referred to as "peer-reviewed". That is because the professional organization publishing the journal is made up of peers that review each others research before allowing it to be published. When someone writes an article for a journal, they must provide their research information, statistics, sources, and other information to support what they have written. The author is held accountable for what is written. The information must be factual and accurate to the best of the writer's knowledge and peers from the professional organization must be in agreement with the information before it can be published. By comparison, anyone can submit articles to a newspaper or magazine with little accountability for the information provided.

Search engines are great for gleaning information from the Internet. However, they are companies in business for profit. Remember they are more concerned with which contributors paid them the most money to make sure certain pages appear first in a result list than they are about you finding authoritative information. They bring you the results and expect you to be discerning enough to select authoritative information.  You can, however, use Google Scholar as a more narrowed path to scholarly articles on the internet.  Check out the video below.

An authoritative website is one that is usually created and maintained by a professional organization, a research institution, or government agencies. Therefore, most authoritative websites end with the extensions .gov, .org, .edu. However, some authoritative websites do have .com extensions. In order for a website to be considered authoritative, it should provide contact information for the person creating and maintaining the site as well as a current copyright date. It should also provide information about the person or organization that assumes responsibility and accountability for the information provided on the site. Most authoritative sites will also include a physical address and phone number. If you can not find out who provides the information for the site, the credentials of the person providing the information, or contact information you should be leary of using the site for research purposes even if the word "official" is used on the site name.